Complete Guide to Obtaining IPTU Exemption in 2024

A IPTU exemption in 2024 It is an important benefit that can make a difference in the finances of families that meet certain conditions.

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Firstly, the Urban Property and Land Tax (IPTU) is a tax charged annually by Brazilian municipalities on urban real estate property.

However, many people have the right to request exemption from this tax, which can represent significant savings in the family budget.

Therefore, this complete guide will help you understand who is entitled to the IPTU exemption, how to apply and what documents are required for 2024.

Who is entitled to IPTU exemption?

IPTU exemption

The IPTU exemption varies from municipality to municipality, as each city has its own rules and criteria.

However, some groups of people are generally entitled to this exemption:

  1. Retirees and Pensioners: Many municipalities grant exemption from IPTU (property tax) for retirees and pensioners who own only one property and use it as their own residence.
  2. Carriers of Serious Illnesses: People with serious illnesses, such as cancer, HIV and other chronic diseases, may also be entitled to an exemption from IPTU. The medical condition must be proven by reports and certificates.
  3. Low Income: Low-income families who own only one property and use it as their residence may benefit from an exemption from IPTU (property tax). The definition of low-income may vary according to the legislation of each municipality.
  4. Social Interest Properties: Properties that house philanthropic, cultural or religious institutions may be exempt from IPTU, as long as they meet the requirements established by local legislation.

It is important to highlight again that each municipality has its own rules for IPTU exemption.

To find out the details and specificities, always consult your local city hall or access the official website of your municipality.

Please ensure you have all required documents to demonstrate that you meet the eligibility criteria.

How to Request IPTU Exemption?

Requesting an IPTU exemption may seem like a complicated process, but by following a few simple steps, you can do it efficiently:

  1. Check Your Municipality's Requirements: Consult municipal legislation or the city hall website to understand the specific criteria for IPTU exemption in your city.
  2. Gather the Necessary Documents: In general, you will need documents such as ID, CPF, proof of residence, property deed, proof of income, medical reports (if applicable), among others. Check the complete list on your city hall website.
  3. Fill out the Application Form: Most city halls provide a specific form to request exemption from IPTU. This form can be found on the city hall website or directly in the department responsible for IPTU.
  4. File the Request: After filling out the form and gathering the necessary documents, file the request with the department responsible for IPTU in your city. In some municipalities, this procedure can be done online.
  5. Follow the Process: Keep an eye on the progress of your application. City halls usually provide a protocol number so that you can track the analysis of your process.

Documents Required to Request Exemption

The required documentation may vary according to the criteria of each municipality, but generally includes:

Check the list of documents required by your municipality before starting the process.

Examples of Applications to Track and Request IPTU Exemption

Nowadays, many municipalities offer apps that make taxpayers’ lives easier. Here are some examples:

  1. SP Services (Sao Paulo): Available for Android and iOS, this application allows you to access various services provided by the City of São Paulo, including requesting an IPTU exemption in 2024. Rating: 4.2 stars.
  2. Carioca Digital (Rio de Janeiro): Also available for Android and iOS, the Carioca Digital app offers a series of municipal services, such as IPTU consultation and exemption requests. Rating: 4.0 stars.
  3. 156 Recife (Recife): This app allows Recife citizens to access various municipal services, including IPTU exemption. Rating: 4.1 stars.

With this information and tools like the SP Services It is Carioca Digital, you are ready to apply for IPTU exemption in 2024.

Be sure to check the specific requirements for your municipality and follow the necessary steps to ensure this benefit.

Good luck!