Encceja - Registration and Information

Were you unable to finish primary or secondary school? Then, it is possible to obtain the certificate of completion through the Encceja.

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Created by INEP, the objective of the test is to assess the knowledge of young people and adults who were unable to complete primary or secondary education within the appropriate time frame.

Therefore, obtaining a good score on the exam makes it possible to receive the certificate.

So, do you want to understand more about the Encceja? Below we explain everything. Follow along!

What is Encceja?

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O Encceja (National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults), is an assessment promoted by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep).

So, its main purpose is to grant a certificate of completion of primary or secondary education to successful candidates.

This is because many Brazilians are unable to complete their studies within the traditional deadline and returning to the classroom is not always possible.

Therefore, the exam comes as a way of testing these people's knowledge so that they can obtain certification and thus continue their studies, completing a degree, for example.

O Inep Encceja is the body in charge of organizing the exam. It is worth remembering that Inep is also responsible for preparing the Enem test (National High School Exam).

Who can do Encceja 2023?

To participate in the exam, you must meet specific age requirements. Look:

However, it is interesting that those who are over 18 years old have the possibility of taking the exam directly for High School.

Therefore, even if they have not completed Elementary School, it is possible to take the exam directly to obtain Secondary Education certification.

How does the test work?

The purpose of the exam is to assess candidates' knowledge through four tests, all consisting of 30 multiple-choice questions, in addition to an essay.

So, for candidates seeking Elementary Education certification, the tests are distributed as follows:

  1. Natural Sciences;
  2. History and geography;
  3. Portuguese, Modern Foreign, Arts and Physical Education Writing;
  4. Mathematics.

Therefore, for those who wish to obtain secondary education certification, the tests cover the following areas:

  1. Natural Sciences and their Technologies;
  2. Human Sciences and their Technologies;
  3. Languages, Codes and their Technologies + Writing Test;
  4. Mathematics and its Technologies.

Thus, the Encceja allows a comprehensive and balanced assessment of candidates' knowledge.

What is the minimum score to obtain certification?

To be approved, it is essential to reach a minimum score of 100 points in each of the tests.

However, it is not difficult, since this score corresponds to approximately 12 correct questions out of the 30 available in each area.

However, it is necessary to achieve a minimum grade of 5 in the essay. If you reach the minimum score in just one of the areas, you will receive a partial certificate.

Therefore, this means that, when taking the exam again, you will be exempt from the test you already passed, concentrating your efforts only on the other subjects.

How to register for Encceja 2023?

Now that you have all this information, follow the step-by-step guide on how to sign up for Encceja 2023:

O Encceja does not charge a registration fee. Therefore, you can take the exam for free, without having to worry about paying any amount.

When does Encceja 2023 take place?

The tests will be administered on August 27th. You need to access the Inep website, the same one where you registered, to check the location of your test.

Furthermore, the individual results will be released on December 22nd, so you will know whether or not you obtained the minimum score to achieve certification.

So, if you have been approved, just go to the Department of Education in your city with your personal documents to receive your certificate.

O Encceja 2023 It is a great opportunity to obtain certification for Elementary and Secondary Education today.

So, take the opportunity to study and take a good test. With the certificate, it is even possible to pursue a degree, for example.