CRLV Digital on Cell Phone - How to Download the Quick and Free App

Several documents are being modernized to make life easier for Brazilians. So, among them is also the CRLV Digital, which now has a version that can be accessed via cell phone.

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Therefore, drivers no longer need to present the printed Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate. This is because the digital version is worth as much as the physical document.

Therefore, to access CRLV-e, all you need to do is have your car license paid off and download the free application. The issuance process is very simple and you do not pay fees.

However, as many drivers are in doubt about the CRLV Digital, Today we will explain what it is, how to download it and much more. Follow along below!

See the Importance of the CRLV Digital App in Practice

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The Vehicle Licensing Registration Certificate (CRLV) is a document issued every year that guarantees that the car can drive on the streets.

Therefore, it is important because it provides various information to traffic police officers and other authorities, such as:

According to the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB), all drivers must be in possession of the car's CRLV.

But after all, what is the digital CRLV?

Then the CRLV Digital is basically the electronic version of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate. It is also known as CRLV-e.

Therefore, it contains all the information from the printed document, but now in a new format.

Therefore, the CRLV-e has the same validity as the physical document. In fact, it is valid for 1 year, just like the printed certificate.

How to download CRLV-e? Step by step

Too easy download CRLV Digital, as the app is available for most smartphones and tablets. So, follow the step by step below on how to download.

How to download CRLV Digital for individuals?

If you are an individual, check each of the steps to download the CRLV-e:

How to download CRLV Digital legal entity?

If you are a legal entity, access to CRLV-e is different. Follow the step by step:

How to print CRLV Digital?

Printing the CRLV-e is not mandatory. However, there are those drivers who prefer to drive with the physical document, in the printed version.

Therefore, if this is your case, you can access the Denatran Services Portal website and go to “My Vehicles”, fill in the details and download the PDF version of the document.

So, once that's done, just print. It is worth mentioning that printing must be done on standard bond paper, in A4 size. The black color is the most suitable for printing.

Additionally, if you choose to print the CRLV Digital, Don't forget that it must contain the QR Code. Otherwise, it will not be valid.

Common questions

Is CRLV-e the same as CRV?

No, they are very different documents. The CRLV is related to automobile licensing. It's a document you need to keep close at all times.

So, in turn, the CRV is the Vehicle Registration Certificate. Until a while ago it was called the Single Transfer Document or DUT.

Thus, the CRV is linked to the vehicle registration and certifies the ownership of the car. Therefore, it is usually used to transfer ownership of the asset.

Is it possible to issue the CRLV Digital without having a smartphone?

Yes, the issuance can be made on the Detran website in your city. Then, just download and print the document.

How to download someone else's digital CRLV?

To have someone else's CRLV, that person must share the document with you. Today, sharing the document with up to 5 people is allowed.