Truck Driver Assistance - How to Register?

Have you ever heard of the truck driver assistance? The Emergency Benefit for Autonomous Cargo Transporters (BEm Caminhoneiro) is an aid created to serve self-employed truck drivers.

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So, the program aims to alleviate the effects of the increase in the price of gasoline and other fuels on truck drivers' pockets.

However, despite being a very important program, there are still several doubts about this aid.

So, follow all the information below about the trucker pix. Look!

What is Truck Driver Assistance?

truck driver assistance who is entitled

BEm Caminhoneiro is an emergency benefit intended for independent transporters.

Therefore, it serves professionals who work as cargo truck drivers independently.  

According to the Federal Government, this financial assistance is intended to help professionals pay for fuel for their vehicles.

This is because there was a considerable increase in the cost of fuel. Therefore, this naturally weighed on the pockets of self-employed truck drivers who work carrying loads.

Therefore, the Government looked for ways to minimize this impact. So, that's when the trucker pix!

Truck Driver Assistance – Who is Entitled?

O assistance for truck drivers should benefit more than 871 thousand truck drivers. That's what the Federal Government says!

However, to receive the benefit some mandatory requirements must be met.

So, see who is entitled to the truck driver voucher:

And how to regularize the situation?

What is the value of the benefit?

One of the main doubts about the hiker assistance It refers to value. After all, what amount will be paid to professionals who work as self-employed truck drivers?

So, it was established that the value of the benefit will be R$ 1 thousand. Furthermore, the aid must be paid for 6 months.

Can MEI truck drivers receive aid?

The MEI Truck Driver category was established in December 2021, allowing self-employed truck drivers to be included in the list of professionals who can formalize as individual entrepreneurs.

So, MEI Truck Driver can receive the truck driver assistance, as long as they have registered by May 31, 2022.

However, it is worth mentioning that, in addition to registering as a MEI, it is also necessary to be registered in the National Registry of Road Cargo Transporters (RNTR-C) to be entitled to assistance.

How to register to receive Truck Driver Assistance

No need to register! All self-employed truck drivers who are registered with the RNTRC are entitled to receive the benefit.

Therefore, the Federal Government will use the information in this registry to register truck drivers.

However, the RNTRC has outdated information. Thus, those who are unable to check their situation with the registry can choose to self-declare to receive the benefit.

Therefore, the truck driver's only responsibility is to self-declare as a truck driver. In addition to meeting the requirements.

So, it can be done through:

How to make this statement?

It's easy to make that statement. See which way to go:

How will payment be made?

As with most of the Federal Government's social programs, payment of the truck driver assistance will be carried out through the Caixa Tem app.

However, if the truck driver does not have a digital savings account, there is no need to open one.

This is because the Federal Government itself automatically opens the account so that deposits can be made monthly. Thus, at Caixa Tem it is possible to move values.

However, if you prefer, the truck driver can go to a Caixa branch or lottery outlet to make the withdrawal.

Will there be truck driver assistance in 2023?

 To date, there is no prediction that the truck driver assistance 2023.

The program ran throughout 2022. Therefore, it was at that time that all installments were paid.

Therefore, there is currently no forecast for the resumption of trucker pix.

O truck driver assistance It is a way that the Federal Government found to reduce the impact of rising fuel prices on the pockets of self-employed truck drivers who transport cargo.

However, to receive the benefit you must meet the requirements and carry out the so-called self-declaration, as you saw here!