Autumn 2024 - Climate Changes and Necessary Adaptations

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The start of autumn 2024 in the Southern Hemisphere occurred at 0:06 am (Brasília time) this Wednesday (20) and will last until June 21st.

This year, this season will be characterized by the weakening of the El Niño phenomenon and the observation of temperatures higher than the historical average in all regions of the country.

With the arrival of autumn 2024 in the Southern Hemisphere, it is time to analyze climate forecasts and possible impacts for the coming months.

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This year, the period will be marked by climate changes, both in relation to atmospheric phenomena and temperature and rainfall patterns in all regions of Brazil.

Autumn Weather Forecasts

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According to experts from the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) and the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe), the months of April, May and June are expected to present temperatures higher than the usual averages.

This trend is observed throughout the country, with the exception of the center-south of Rio Grande do Sul, where temperatures are expected to remain within normal limits.

This forecast suggests a challenging scenario, especially in areas where high temperatures can impact various human activities.

However, such as agriculture, public health and even electricity consumption.

Atmospheric Phenomena and Their Implications

However, the weakening of the El Niño phenomenon, reaching its peak at the end of last year, is one of the factors contributing to the increase in temperatures.

Although El Niño still exerts influence in some regions, a transition to a more neutral condition is expected throughout the fall.

On the other hand, the possible formation of the La Niña phenomenon in Brazil during the second half of the year could bring below-average rainfall to the South and above-average rainfall to the North and Northeast of the country.

This variation in rainfall patterns can affect agricultural production, water resources and even water supplies in some regions.

Rains and Impacts on Agriculture

Rainfall is expected to be below the historical average in much of the North, Northeast and Central-West regions, due to the remaining impacts of El Niño.

However, specific areas, such as northern Roraima, northwest and southwest Amazonas and western Acre, may face favorable conditions for rainfall close to or above average.

Therefore, these variations in rainfall patterns can have a significant impact on agricultural production.

However, especially in regions such as Matopiba, which includes parts of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia.

The forecast of below-average rainfall could harm planting and the initial phases of second-crop crops.

Therefore, demanding adaptations and strategies from farmers to deal with the scarcity of water in the soil.

Applications for Climate Monitoring

To help understand and monitor weather conditions during autumn, there are several applications.

These available apps provide accurate and up-to-date weather information.

Some examples include:

  1. ClimateWeather: One of the most popular weather forecast apps. ClimaTempo offers detailed information about temperature, humidity, wind and the possibility of rain in real time.
  2. AccuWeather: With an intuitive interface and long-term forecasts, AccuWeather is a great option for those who want to plan their activities.
  3. Weather Underground: This app uses data from local weather stations to provide hyperlocal and accurate forecasts. Additionally, it offers advanced features such as radar maps and severe weather alerts.

With these tools, it is possible to closely monitor climate change and prepare adequately for the challenges that autumn 2024 may bring.


Autumn is a transitional season that brings with it a series of changes in weather and nature.

Thus, enjoying the benefits it offers for physical and mental well-being.

It is important to highlight the importance of environmental awareness and the preservation of natural resources during autumn and in all seasons of the year.

Actions, such as planting trees, reducing water and energy consumption and properly disposing of waste, contribute to protecting the environment.

Thus, promoting a more sustainable future for future generations.