Emergency FGTS Withdrawal

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Did you know that workers can do the emergency FGTS withdrawal from R$ 500 to R$ 1 thousand? So, since 2020 there has been this method of withdrawing from the Extraordinary Fund for Length of Service.

As we know, the FGTS is a benefit guaranteed to all workers formally employed under the CLT regime.

Therefore, the employer is legally responsible for making a deposit equivalent to 8% of the salary, crediting the amount to an account linked to the worker's CPF.

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But what about the emergency FGTS withdrawal how does it work? Who is entitled? How to make the query? Below we explain everything. Follow along now!

What is emergency withdrawal?

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So, this modality is a form of emergency or extraordinary withdrawal, which was created during the covid-19 pandemic.

At the time, the objective was to make life easier for Brazilian workers, since with the pandemic many Brazilians began to experience financial difficulties.

Therefore, the release of the balance through the emergency withdrawal It was a way that the Government found to give financial relief to workers.

Last year, specifically, the maximum amount authorized for emergency withdrawal was R$ 1,000.00 for all workers with active or inactive accounts in the Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS).

It is important to highlight that the Federal Government is not releasing money to workers! Withdrawal is only possible if the worker has funds available in their FGTS account.

Who can make the Emergency FGTS withdrawal?

Any worker who has an account linked to the FGTS, whether active or inactive, has the right to carry out the emergency FGTS withdrawal.

However, it is important to emphasize again that the Federal Government is not making additional deposits in these accounts.

On the contrary, he is releasing the amounts that were already deposited. This is because the balance belongs to the worker.  

So, if you have a higher balance in your account, you will not be able to withdraw the full amount. This is because the amount released is limited to R$1,000.

Furthermore, if you have funds available in more than one account, the withdrawal must be made first from the inactive accounts that had a smaller balance.

How to make an emergency withdrawal?

As mentioned previously, each worker will have the right to withdraw up to R$1,000 from active and inactive FGTS accounts.

But after all, how do you accomplish this? emergency FGTS withdrawal? Is it necessary to go to a Caixa branch?

Then, the amount will be available in the Digital Social Savings Account, known as Caixa Tem, which is automatically opened by Caixa Econômica Federal on behalf of the workers.

Therefore, it is not necessary to go to a physical bank branch to access the amount.

However, it is important to highlight that amounts that are blocked in the Guarantee Fund account will not be available for withdrawal, as in the case of using the FGTS to purchase properties or in advance of birthday withdrawals, for example.

How to check the FGTS balance?

It is very easy to check your FGTS balance and check if there are amounts to be received.

Step by step:

What happens if the Emergency FGTS withdrawal is not made?

It is also important to understand that withdrawing the emergency FGTS is not mandatory. It is optional.

Therefore, you decide whether you want to withdraw and use the money or whether you prefer to leave the amount saved.

So, anyone who doesn't use their FGTS balance at Caixa Tem doesn't need to worry. The amount returns to the Fund's account duly adjusted.

However, if you prefer, you can inform Caixa Econômica Federal by going to a bank branch, which does not allow you to carry out the emergency FGTS withdrawal.

This way, the amount will not be deposited into your account. It is also possible to inform via the FGTS app that you do not wish to move the money, for example.

Now you have all the information about the emergency FGTS withdrawal 2023. Therefore, just pay attention to news from the Federal Government to be aware of when the amount will be released.

So, in the meantime, you can check your balance directly in the FGTS app, as you saw here!